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Sunday, November 8, 2009



LeT's EaT
Is all about good food, and my favorite recipes, I want to share.
Come on in, and make yourself right at home!


Garnish: To decorate a completed dish, making it more attractive.

Gel: To congeal.

Glaze: To coat with a substance or mixture that gives food a sheen.

Gluten: Protein part of wheat flour that is essential in bread-making.

Grate: To rub solid food against a metal object that has sharp-edged
holes, reducing food to thin shreds.

Grease: To rub fat or oil on the surface of a bowl, pan, or other
utensil to prevent food from sticking.

Grill: To cook on a rack over direct heat gas, electricity, or

Grind: To run food through a food chopper or food processor until of
very fine texture.

Hull: To remove stems or outer husks (as from strawberries or nuts).

Julienne: Matchstick pieces of vegetables, fruits, or cooked meats; or
a technique for cutting foods into matchstick pieces.

Knead: To work dough with hands in a fold-and-press motion.

Lemon-vinegar water: Water to which lemon juice or vinegar has been
added to prevent discoloration or darkening of foods, such as apples or
artichokes. Add 1/2 to 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar for each quart
of water.

Line: To cover inside or bottom of a baking dish or pan with parchment
or wax paper.

Marinade: A seasoned liquid, usually containing an acid, such as
vinegar, lemon juice, or wine, in which meat, poultry, or seafood soaks to
enhance its flavor.

Marinate: To soak in a marinade.

Mash: To crush to a soft mass.

Mask: To cover completely, as with a sauce, aspic, mayonnaise, or

Meringue: Egg whites that have been beaten with sugar to form a thick,
stiff foam.

Mince: To cut or chop into very fine pieces.

Pan-broil: To cook, uncovered, in an non greased or lightly greased
frying pan, pouring off fat as it accumulates.

Pan-fry: To cook in a frying pan in a small amount of fat.

Parboil: To boil until partially cooked; remainder of cooking is done
by another method.

Pare: To cut away outer skin using a small knife or vegetable peeler.

Peel: To strip, cut off, or pull away skin or rind.

Pit: To remove the seed from whole fruits such as apricots, avocados,
and cherries.

Poach: To gently cook in a simmering liquid so food retains its shape.

Pot roasting: To cook a large piece of meat by braising.

Punch down: To expel air from a risen yeast dough by pushing it down
with fists or a mixing with a dough hook.

Pur? To rub food through a strainer, or to whirl food in a blender or
a food processor, to Sunset glossary of cooking terms

Al dente: An Italian term used to describe any type of pasta that is cooked until tender but slightly firm to the bite. Bake:
To cook, covered or uncovered, by dry heat (usually in an oven). When applied to meats and poultry cooked uncovered, the process is often called roasting. Bake blind: To bake a pastry shell empty, without a filling. See page 167 for more information on how to bake blind. Baking powder: A chemical leavening agent produced in three forms, all activated when combined with liquid. Tartrate acts instantly. Phosphate is activated partially by liquid, partially by heat. Double-acting is activated mainly by heat, releasing most of its carbon dioxide in the baking process. Baking soda: A leavening agent that releases gas only when mixed with an acid agent, such as buttermilk, yogurt, or lemon juice. Baste: To brush or spoon pan drippings or other fat or liquid over food as it cooks to keep the surface moist and to add flavor. Batter: A liquid mixture (containing flour and other ingredients) that can be stirred. Beat: To stir or mix rapidly with a spoon, whisk, or an electric mixer, adding air to make a mixture smooth, lighter, or fluffier. Blanch: To immerse food briefly in boiling water, either to help loosen the skin or to cook briefly to set color and flavor. Blend: To thoroughly combine two or more ingredients until smooth and uniform in texture, color, and flavor. Boil: To heat liquid hot enough for bubbles to constantly rise and break on the surface. To cook food in boiling liquid. Boned, rolled, and tied: Meat cuts that are boned, then rolled into a compact shape and tied to secure. Bouquet garni:

A cluster of herbs that is tied together and used for flavoring. Braise: To cook gently in a small amount of liquid in a covered pan. Food may or may not be browned first. Braise-Deglaze: A way to cook foods in a small amount of liquid until liquid evaporates and foods brown. More liquid is then added and mixture is stirred to release browned particles. Bread: To coat with bread or cracker crumbs before cooking, usually after first dipping food into beaten egg or other liquid so crumbs will adhere. Broil: To cook by direct heat under a broiler. Broth: Liquid in which meat, poultry, fish, or vegetables, or a combination, are cooked; also called stock. Brown: To cook in a small amount of fat until browned on all sides, giving food an appetizing color. Caramelize: To melt sugar without scorching, until it turns golden brown and develops characteristic flavor. To cook onions and other vegetables until sweet and golden. Chop: To cut food into small pieces. Coat: To cover a food with another ingredient, such as egg or flour, by sprinkling, dipping, or rolling. Coat a spoon: The stage reached by a thickened liquid mixture when it leaves an even film on the back of a metal spoon. Combine: To stir together two or more ingredients until blended. Core: To remove the seeded center of a fruit or vegetable. Cream: To beat until soft, smooth, and fluffy, as for butter and sugar. Crimp: To seal the edges of two pieces of pastry together by pressing with fingers or fork tines. Cube: To cut into small cubes (usually a specific size). Cubed meats are mechanically tenderized or pounded to break up muscle fibers. Curdled: Separated into a liquid containing small solid particles (caused by overcooking or too much heat or agitation). Cut in: To distribute solid fat into dry ingredients with a pastry blender (or two table knives, scissors fashion) until particles are desired size. Reduce: To decrease quantity and concentrate flavor of a liquid by
rapid boiling in an uncovered pan.

Render: To melt fat by heating in a pan on the stove or in the oven.

Roast: To cook meat or poultry, uncovered, by dry heat (usually in an
oven); also, a cut of meat cooked by this method.

Roux: Mixture of melted fat and flour, cooked until bubbly to remove
the raw, starchy taste of flour; used to thicken soups and sauces.

Salad oil: Oil made from vegetables or seeds, such as corn or

Saut?To cook in a small amount of fat over high heat.

Scald: To heat milk to just below the boiling point (when tiny bubbles
appear around edge of pan).

Score: To cut shallow grooves or slits through surface or outer layer
of food to speed cooking, to prevent edge fat of meat from curling, or
to make decorative pattern.

Sear: To brown meat on all sides over high heat.

Shortening (solid): A solid fat made from refined vegetable oil that
has been partially hydrogenated and whipped.

Shred: To cut, tear, or grate into thin, irregular strips.

Shuck: To remove an outer covering, such as the husks and silk of corn
or the shells of oysters.

Sift: To lighten or remove lumps from dry ingredients, such as flour or
powdered sugar, by passing them through a fine strainer or sifter.

Simmer: To cook in liquid close to the boiling point (bubbles form
slowly and burst before reaching surface).

Skim: To remove fat or scum from the surface of a liquid with a spoon
or bulb baster.

Steam: To cook in water vapors, on a rack or in a steam basket, in a
covered pan above boiling water.

Steep: A way of cooking food with the residual heat of hot liquid.

Stew: To cook food gently in simmering liquid, often in a covered pan.

Stir: Using a spoon or whisk in a broad, circular motion, to mix
ingredients without beating in air, or to prevent them from sticking.

Stir-fry: To cook small food pieces of food quickly in a small amount
of fat over high heat in a wide pan or wok, stirring constantly.

Strain: To separate solids from liquid by passing them through a
strainer or colander.

Tart: A shallow open-face savory or sweet pie, or similarly shaped

Tender-crisp: A test for doneness of vegetables where they are cooked
through but are still slightly crunchy.

Tent: To cover meat or poultry loosely with a piece of foil.

Toss: To mix lightly but rapidly by lifting and turning ingredients
with two forks or spoons.

Truss: To secure wings or legs close to poultry with skewers or string.

Whip: To beat rapidly with a whisk, or electric mixer, incorporating
air to lighten a mixture and increase its volume.

Whisk: To beat with a whisk; a tool with a multiple thin-wire base.

Yeast: A microscopic, single-cell organism that converts its food into
alcohol and carbon dioxide through a process known as fermentation.

Zest: Colored outer layer of the peel of citrus fruits.
Dash: A very small amount, less than 1/8 teaspoon.

Deglaze: To loosen browned particles from bottom of a pan by adding
wine, broth, or other liquid.

Degrease: To skim fat from surface of a liquid.

Dice: To cut into very small pieces (usually 1/8 to 1/4 inch).

Dot: To scatter bits of an ingredient, such as butter, over surface of

Dough: A thick, pliable mixture of flour and liquid ingredients, firm
enough to be kneaded or shaped with the hands.

Dredge: To coat or cover food lightly but completely with flour, sugar,
or other fine substance, shaking off excess.

Drippings: Melted fat and juices given off by meat or poultry as it
cooks, usually by frying or roasting.

Drizzle: To pour oil, melted fat, sugar syrup, icing, or other liquid
in a fine stream, making a pattern over food surface.

Dust: To sprinkle lightly with flour or sugar, shaking off excess.

Emulsion: A mixture, such as mayonnaise, in which fatty particles are
suspended in a liquid.

Fat: Generic term for fats that are solid at room temperature, such as
butter, margarine, lard, vegetable shortening, and the rendered
drippings of meat and fowl.

Fillet: The boneless tenderloin of meat or poultry; a boneless piece or
slice of meat or fish; filleting is the process of removing bones.

Flake: To lightly break foods into small, thin pieces, usually with the
tines of a fork.

Floweret: A small flower, one of a cluster of composite flowers, of
broccoli or cauliflower.

Flute: To make decorative indentations around the edge of pastry,
vegetables, or fruit.

Fold in: To gently combine a light, delicate, aerated substance, such
as whipped cream or beaten egg whites, into a heavier mixture by lifting
mixture up and over with each stroke.

Freeze: To get cold enough to become solid.

Fry: To cook in hot fat. To pan-fry, use a small amount of fat. To
deep- fry, immerse foods in fat.


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